How to update the firmware on the Dutchtronix AVR Oscilloscope Clock Hardware 2.0:

Firmware is delivered in the form of an Intel Hex file (extension .hex). This file is a specially formatted text file. Do not change the file! The latest firmware file is listed here on the AVR Oscilloscope Clock main page. The firmware itself consists of the required Flash Update (Program Memory) and the optional EEProm Update. Please download these files and store them in a convenient location on your computer. The EEProm update contains the on-line help text (Serial Interface command "xh"). The AVR clock will work fine without this update but no on-line help text will be available.


You can also download the Dutchtronix AVR Oscilloscope Terminal firmware to the clock hardware.

Switching between the various applications is easy once you have the hang of it.

To update the firmware in your AVR Clock, you will need a Serial Cable, connecting the AVR clock to a PC and the program “avrprog.exe”. This program is part of the AVR Studio program, freely available from Atmel, but you can use it as a stand-alone program. Just click on this link to download the program.

The Serial Cable is
a cable consisting of a female DB-9 connector (for most PCs) and the 3 pin connector included with the AVR clock. Wiring is as follows

3-pin connector - 1:GND,  2:out/RXpc, 3:in/TXpc.
DB-9 connector  - 5:GND,  2:RX,       3:TX.

Step for updating the firmware on your AVR Oscilloscope clock:

  1. Power cycle the clock (power off) and push and hold the push button switch down while turning on the power.
  2. The clock hardware will now be in boot load mode (the LED is flashing fast), and no image is displayed.
  3. Make sure that no other program is using the serial port that is connected to the AVR clock, such as Bray’s Terminal.
  4. Start Avrprog, preferably from a command line window. Avrprog will scan serial ports COM1 to COM8 at the proper baud rate to search for a waiting boot loader. If it comes up with an error message (“no supported board found!”), restart Avrprog; it usually works the second time.
  5. Point Avrprog to the location of the Intel Hex file (.hex) you want to download (“browse”).
  6. Download by clicking the “Program” button in the Flash section.
  7. Optional step for AVR Clock V3 firmware update:
    Point Avrprog to the location of the EEprom Hex file (.eep) you want to download (“browse”).
    Download by clicking the “Program” button in the EEprom section
  8. Click Exit (this may require several tries), then close Avrprog.

Note: you can leave the boot loader mode, e.g., if you change your mind or Avrprog won’t start, by pushing the button switch again (keep it pushed).

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